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23 June 2020 to 10 July 2020
Europe/Rome timezone
GSSI-SISSA joint lectures

GSSI and SISSA organize a joint series of introductory mini-courses in mathematical quantum mechanics and field theory. The courses will discuss rigorous methods for the study of complex physical systems, based on a broad spectrum of mathematical tools: functional analysis, stochastic analysis, variational techniques and rigorous renormalization. The goal is to introduce PhD students and postdocs in mathematics and in theoretical physics to selected recent developments in the mathematics of many-body problems.


  • Michele Correggi (Politecnico di Milano)
    Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Superconductivity

    Classes:  Wednesday, June 24   h 16-18   [part I, part II]
                     Friday, June 26             h.15-17   [part I, part II]
  • Massimiliano Gubinelli (University of Bonn)
    Stochastic Quantization

    Classes: Monday June 29     h 15-17   [notes]
                    Friday, July 3            h 15-17   [notes]
  • Alessandro Giuliani (Università Roma Tre & Centro Linceo B. Segre)
    The scaling limit of non-integrable Ising models

    Classes:  Wednesday July 8    h 15-17   [slides]
                     Friday, July 10           h 15-17   [slides]



Serena Cenatiempo (GSSI)
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio (SISSA)
Marcello Porta (SISSA)


Online on Zoom