The series of online seminars Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics (MCQM) focuses on current topics of mathematical physics, with special attention to the mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics. It aims to bring together the Italian community working on mathematical methods for quantum theory.
The seminars take place on Wednesday afternoon, usually at 14:30 Italian time, on a monthly basis. The schedule for the 2024/25 seminar series is as follows:
Each seminar will be accompanied by a lecture addressed to PhD students and young researchers, aimed at introducing the broad topic of the seminar and presenting some perspectives of the open problems and mathematical challenges in the field. The lecture is usually held on the same day of the seminar, at 11.30 Italian time.
Titles and abstracts of the MCQM Seminars and PhD lectures are available at this page and this page respectively. To receive the zoom link to attend the seminars and/or the PhD lectures please register here.
The online seminars are part of a long-running series of events organized over the years by the Italian community working on mathematical methods for quantum physics, including the following School and Workshops:
MCQM - Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics
MCQM22 - Como, June 13-18, 2022
MCQM18 - Rome, February 19-24, 2018
MCQM16 - Bressanone, February 8-13, 2016
Organizing committee
Serena Cenatiempo (GSSI)
Marco Falconi (PoliMi)
Emanuela L. Giacomelli (UniMI)
Domenico Monaco (Sapienza)
Marco Olivieri (Copenhagen)