The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astroparticle Physics



Via Beirut 2, Trieste
Carmelo Evoli (GSSI), Gor Oganesyan (Gran Sasso Science Institute)

The past few years have been a crucial time for multi-messenger astrophysics, marked by significant break- throughs such as the first detection of gravitational waves resulting from the merging of two neutron stars, and the recent announcement of the first identified high-energy neutrino source observed by IceCube in coincidence with the AGN-powered galaxy NGC1068.

These discoveries, alongside the advancements in transient astronomy and the development of new sensitive, wide-field instrumentation across various electromagnetic and astroparticle spectra (such as SKA, CTA, KM3NeT, ELT, and Athena), have made this field an active and vibrant area of research where the nature of many phenomena is still unknown or debated.

Furthermore, these experiments will explore an energy regime where phenomena such as Lorentz invariance violation, and more in general physics beyond the standard model, may become finally detectable.

In the upcoming decade, both space and ground-based detectors will jointly explore the Universe through all of its messengers and any improvement on the observational side will be a barren effort without a parallel work on theory and phenomenology, to study the physics of cosmic-ray acceleration in the objects that we identify via these observations.

We are excited to discuss at IFPU the latest developments in gravitational waves, astrophysical neutrinos, UHERCs, and the highly energetic dynamic sky, as well as to explore novel approaches for multi-messenger science and the associated research infrastructures.

  • Andrea Maselli
  • Biswajit Banerjee
  • Carmelo Evoli
  • Denise Boncioli
  • Foteini Oikonomou
  • Giovanni Morlino
  • Giulia Gubitosi
  • Gor Oganesyan
  • Jose Manuel Carmona
  • Markus Ahlers
  • Samanta Macera
  • +5