November 8, 2023 to May 31, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Previous Series

The MCQM Seminars have been running since 2020. You can find below the information of the previous seminar series.


MCQM Seminars in 2020/21

Organizing committee: Claudio Cacciapuoti (Uninsubria), Raffaele Carlone (UniNa), Michele Correggi (PoliMi).

The list of MCQM Seminars and PhD lectures can be found here

MCQM Seminars in 2021/22

Organizing committee: Claudio Cacciapuoti (Uninsubria), Raffaele Carlone (UniNa) Serena Cenatiempo (GSSI), Marco Falconi (PoliMi), Emanuela  L. Giacomelli (LMU München), Domenico Monaco (Sapienza), Marco Olivieri (Aarhus University).

The list of MCQM Seminars and PhD lectures can be found here

MCQM Seminars in 2022/23

Organizing committee: Serena Cenatiempo (GSSI), Marco Falconi (PoliMi), Emanuela  L. Giacomelli (LMU München), Domenico Monaco (Sapienza), Marco Olivieri (Aarhus University).

The list of MCQM Seminars and PhD lectures can be found here and here respectively.