The conference focuses on Partial Differential Equations and their applications to several branches of Science. The aim of the meeting is to gather leading experts and researchers to propose and discuss new ideas in the field of Partial Differential Equations.
The conference is in honor of our dear friend and colleague Pierangelo Marcati for his 70th birthday and aims at celebrating his scientific contributions and his constant academic commitment to the community.
Invited speakers
- Fabio Ancona (University of Padova, Italy)
- Hugo Beirão da Veiga (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Stefano Bianchini (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
- Yann Brenier (CNRS, ENS, Paris, France)
- Alberto Bressan (Penn State University of Pennsylvania, USA)
- Piermarco Cannarsa (Tor Vergata Univerisity of Roma, Italy)
- Gui-Qiang G. Chen (Oxford University, UK)
- Constantin Dafermos (Brown University, USA)
- Camillo De Lellis (IAS Princeton, USA)
- Carlo Doglioni (INGV)
- Eduard Feireisl (Czech Academy of Science)
- Vladimir Georgiev (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Tai-Ping Liu (Academia Sinica Taiwan and Stanford University, USA)
- Peter Markowich (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
- Anna Mazzucato (Penn State University of Pennsylvania, USA)
- Giuseppe Mingione (University of Parma, Italy)
- Roberto Natalini (CNR, Rome)
- Ronghua Pan (Georgia Tech, USA)
- Mario Pulvirenti (Sapienza University of Roma, Italy)
- Paolo Secchi (University of Brescia, Italy)
- Gigliola Staffilani (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- Athanasios Tzavaras (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
- Alberto Valli (University of Trento, Italy)
- Zhouping Xin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
The schedule and the book of abstracts are now available:
The conference can also be attended online at this Zoom link:
The playlist with all the video of the conference can be found at the following link. In the page Invited Talks it is possible to find the direct link the video recording and the slides, when available.
Registration to attend the conference is free but mandatory, and we strongly encourage you to meet the deadline of June 4th, 2023.
Scientific and organizing committee
Debora Amadori (UnivAQ), Paolo Antonelli (GSSI), Marco Di Francesco (UnivAQ), Federica Di Michele (INGV), Donatella Donatelli (UnivAQ), Luigi Forcella (UniPi), Corrado Lattanzio (UnivAQ), Michele Palladino (UnivAQ), Bruno Rubino (UnivAQ), Stefano Spirito (UnivAQ)