SST - PhD National Days

Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy

Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy

Via Michele Iacobucci, 2 L'Aquila, Italy
Ivan De Mitri (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and INFN)

National Doctoral Programme in 

Space Science and Technology : 2024 PhD Days



  • Adriano Del Vincio
  • Adriano Di Giovanni
  • Ahmed E. S. Nosseir
  • Ahmed Osman
  • Akanksha Dagore
  • Alberto Bonollo
  • Alee Kadhim Obeid
  • Aleksei Smirnov
  • Alessia Francesca Guido
  • Alessio Margheri
  • Andrea Ermini
  • Andrea Geminardi
  • Andrea Parenti
  • Andrea Rubiola
  • Andrea Tiengo
  • Anna Finazzi Agrò
  • Anna Irene Landi
  • Annachiara Pagano
  • Archana Giri Nair
  • Beatrice Vaia
  • Beniamino Sanò
  • Carlo Baccigalupi
  • Carmelo Evoli
  • Chiara Bartolini
  • Claudio Bruno
  • Claudio Zavattaro
  • Dana Conzato
  • Daniele Mattolini
  • David Burigana
  • Davide Mancieri
  • Edoardo Santero Mormile
  • Elena Grifoni Winters
  • Eleonora Malloggi
  • Eleonora Traina
  • Elisa Cataldi
  • Elisabetta Cavazzuti
  • Elizabeth Doria Rosales
  • Erasmo Carrera
  • Essna Ghose
  • Eugenia Di Giorgi
  • Ezio Previtali
  • Federico Ferrara
  • Florie Carralot
  • Francesco Adamo
  • Francesco Berrilli
  • francesco ferella
  • Francesco Gigliotti
  • Francesco Lorenzi
  • Francesco Marzari
  • Francesco Rossi
  • Gabriele Giuli
  • gabriele Rigano
  • Giampaolo Murgia
  • Giorgio Capuzzi
  • Giovanni Pratesi
  • Giulio Fontanella
  • Giulio Polato
  • Giulio Vaccari
  • Giuseppe Consolini
  • Giuseppe Mitri
  • Hossein Salehi
  • Iqra Siddique
  • Irene Cagnoli
  • Irene Marsili
  • Ivan De Mitri
  • Leo Cavazzini
  • Lisa Molaro
  • Lorenzo Ulivi
  • Luca Baldini
  • Luca Zapelli
  • Luciana Andrade Dourado
  • Manuel Lacal
  • Margaux Introna
  • Maria A. Mariggio'
  • Martina Scialpi
  • Matteo Gemignani
  • Matteo Omilli
  • Mauro Maccarrone
  • Megha Babu
  • Michele Berretti
  • Michele Bosi
  • Mirko Piersanti
  • Muhammad Abdullahi
  • Nandana Pattathadathil
  • Noemi De Dominicis
  • Paolo Dal Bo
  • Paolo Esposito
  • Pasquale Blasi
  • patrizia morciano
  • Pengxiong Ma
  • Piero Messina
  • Pierpaolo Loizzo
  • Pierpaolo Merola
  • Pierpaolo Savina
  • Pietro Leonardi
  • Pratiksha Gopalkrishna Sawant
  • Raffaella D'Amicis
  • Roberto Aloisio
  • Roberto Battiston
  • Roberto Marri
  • Rodrigo Alberto Torres Saavedra
  • Rohaan Deb
  • Rosario L'Abbate
  • Salvatore Dario dell'Aquila
  • Salvatore Samuele Sirletti
  • Samantha Lusa
  • Simone Quitadamo
  • Sole Biancalani
  • Stefano Penna
  • Thomas CHRETIEN
  • Uygar Atalay
  • Vincenzo Carbone
  • Walter Pecorella
  • Wladimiro Leone
  • Xhonatan Shehaj
  • Žan Zelič
    • 11:00 12:00
      Bus from Roma Fiumicino 1h
    • 12:00 13:45
      Bus from Roma Tiburtina 1h 45m
    • 14:30 15:30
    • 15:30 15:45
      Welcome 15m
      Speaker: Rectors of GSSI and University of L'Aquila
    • 15:45 16:00
      Coordinator's talk 15m
      Speaker: Roberto Battiston (Università di Trento)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Tracing the origin of high energy particles in the Universe (C1) 30m
      Speaker: Pasquale Blasi (GSSI)
    • 16:30 17:15
      Coffee Break 45m
    • 16:30 17:15
      Poster Session
    • 17:15 17:45
      The role of the public sector in Space Economy (C7) 30m
      Speaker: Elena Grifoni Winters (GSSI)
    • 19:00 20:00
      Public Lecture - Space Exploration: reaching beyond the limits using bioinspired technologies 1h Monastero di San Basilio

      Monastero di San Basilio

      Monastero di San Basilio

      Space Exploration is one of the key elements of the new Space Economy. To explore space, however, a number of challenges should be addressed and resolved. Nature is a source of a never ending inspiration for bio inspired solutions to address the needs of human and robotic exploration.

      Speaker: Roberto Battiston (Università di Trento)
    • 09:00 09:20
      Student representative's talk - Interdisciplinary Research and Internationalization: the new norms for doctoral research excellence 20m

      In today's academic landscape, achieving excellence in doctoral research requires embracing two key trends: interdisciplinary approaches and international collaboration. These emerging norms are transforming how we overcome complex challenges, combining insights from diverse fields of science and technology while fostering multi- and inter-national partnerships. In this talk, we'll explore how these elements are redefining the standards of doctoral research to enhance the quality and impact of scholar work across emerging doctoral programs and their effects on research outcomes.

      Speaker: Ahmed E S NOSSEIR (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna / University of Trento)
    • 09:20 09:35
      Student representative's talk - The evolution and scientific impact of the National Doctorate in Space Science and Technology 15m

      Despite its youth, the National Doctorate in Space Science and Technology has exponentially increased its impact and internationalization in the space science community. This growth has occurred despite the challenges and issues faced by students during the first academic year of the PhD program. Nowadays we can recognize the national doctorate to be present in most of the biggest international collaborations and experiments related to the space science.

      In this talk, we will briefly summarize how the DN-SST has evolved over the past year, providing an overview of the most significant space science-related experiments and collaborations involving the PhD candidates. We will also discuss the scientific impact and motivations behind these projects, highlighting the program’s contributions to advancing space research and innovation.

      Speaker: Salvatore Samuele Sirletti (University of Trento and University of Ferrara)
    • 09:35 10:05
      Space Science and Technology at GSSI and UnivAQ: some highlights 30m
      Speaker: Ivan De Mitri (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and INFN)
    • 10:05 10:35
      Cells in Space: a journey through simulated microgravity (C4) 30m
      Speaker: Maria A. Mariggiò (Università di Chieti-Pescara "G. D'Annunzio")
    • 10:35 10:45
      Group Photo 10m
    • 10:45 11:30
      Coffee Break 45m
    • 10:45 11:30
      Poster Session
    • 11:30 12:00
      A journey in the inner heliosphere with Solar Orbiter (C2) 30m
      Speaker: Raffaella D'Amicis (INAF Roma)
    • 12:00 12:30
      Probing the Universe with X-ray Polarimetry: Technological Advances for Satellite-Based Observations (C5) 30m
      Speaker: Luca Baldini (Università di Pisa)
    • 12:30 13:00
      Gossamer technologies for human and robotic space exploration (C6) 30m
      Speaker: Erasmo Carrera (Politecnico di Torino)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch break 1h 30m
    • 14:30 15:00
      Impact cratering as a planetary process: information from impact glasses (C3) 30m
      Speaker: Gabriele Giuli (Università di Camerino)
    • 15:00 15:30
      The INFN Gran Sasso underground laboratories (LNGS) 30m
      Speaker: Ezio Previtali (INFN-LNGS)
    • 15:30 15:45
      Safety at LNGS 15m
    • 15:45 15:55
      Best Poster Awards 10m
    • 15:55 19:00
      Visits to LNGS-1 and THALES-1 3h 5m LNGS / Thales

      LNGS / Thales

      The bus (50 seats) to Thales and the shuttles (2*22 seats) to LNGS will leave from GSSI

    • 20:00 00:00
      Social Dinner -1d 4h Ristorante "La malandrina" , Corso Vittorio Emanuele 99, L'Aquila

      Ristorante "La malandrina" , Corso Vittorio Emanuele 99, L'Aquila

    • 08:15 12:00
      Visits to LNGS-2 and THALES-2 3h 45m LNGS / THALES


      The bus (50 seats) to Thales and the shuttles (2*22 seats) to LNGS will leave from GSSI

    • 13:00 15:00
      Bus to Roma Tiburtina / Fiumicino 2h GSSI


      The bus will leave at 1pm and go to Roma Tiburtina and then Fiumicino airport