6–8 Jun 2024
Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Posters and Awards

All the SST PhD students are expected to present a poster on their research activities.

See the corresponding page for the abstract submission procedure.

Posters should be in portrait orientation, 70 cm X 100  cm of dimensions.

The standard resolution for  pictures, figures and plots must be above 300 dpi.

In the poster, next to the title, please add the Abstract ID assigned by indico.


The poster will be printed by the organizers: the corresponding pdf files have to be sent by May 19 May 23 to the following address: Posters-SST-PhD-Days-2024@gssi.it 


An award will be assigned to the best two posters, as selected by a dedicated committee.



The awards were assigned to the following students:

  • Dana Conzato: "A Governance framework for the future Earth-Observation Governmental Service of the European Union: novel methodology for the classification of space governance models", ID = 282
  • Giulio Polato: "Research activity for debris deorbiting using Electrodynamic Tether technology" , ID=276