7–11 Oct 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Cosmic ray small-scale anisotropies in quasi-linear theory

10 Oct 2019, 09:40
Ex-ISEF/Building-Main Lecture Hall (GSSI)

Ex-ISEF/Building-Main Lecture Hall


Viale Francesco Crispi 7, 67100 L'Aquila


Philipp Mertsch (RWTH Aachen University)


The paradigm for wave-particle interactions in cosmic ray physics, quasi-linear theory, cannot describe the small-scale anisotropies observed with high-precision observatories like IceCube and HAWC. This can be traced back to the loss of two-particle correlations when only the ensemble-averaged phase-space density is modelled.

After a brief review of standard quasi-linear theory, we consider two-particle correlations in a systematic and perturbative approach. We determine the angular power spectrum as the steady state of a differential equation describing the correlated transport of pairs of particles. As an example, we consider a toy model of isotropic turbulence and verify our result with numerical simulations. Our angular power spectrum compares favourably with data from the IceCube and HAWC observations.

Primary author

Philipp Mertsch (RWTH Aachen University)

Presentation materials