We will hold a conference on October 1-3 to honour the life and work of Veniamin Sergeyevich Berezinsky, whose activity in the past fifty years has been a driving force and a reference beacon for many researchers in Astroparticle and Particle Physics.
List of speakers
- Alessandro Bettini | University of Padova and INFN
- Zurab Berezhiani | University of L'Aquila and INFN
- Denise Boncioli | University of L'Aquila and INFN
- Alessandro Bottino | University of Torino - remote
- Antonella Castellina | INAF/INFN Torino
- Damiano Caprioli | University of Chicago
- Pasquale Di Bari | Southampton University
- Vyacheslav Dokuchaev | Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS
- Vladimir Dogiel | Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow
- Alexander D. Dolgov | Novosibirsk State University
- Nicolao Fornengo | University of Torino and INFN
- Stefano Gabici | APC, Paris
- Askhat Z. Gazizov | LNGS
- Dario Grasso | INFN Pisa
- Francis Halzen | University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Andrei Linde | Stanford University - remote
- Viktor A. Matveev | INR
- Giulia Pagliaroli | LNGS/INFN
- Vladimir S. Ptuskin | IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia
- Elisa Resconi | TUM, Munich
- Alexei Smirnov | MPI für Kernphysik
- Christian Spiering | DESY, Zeuthen
- Peter Tiniakov | U. Brussels
- Alan A. Watson | University of Leeds