Image reconstruction problems, like image deblurring and computer tomography, are usually ill-posed and require regularization. In this work, we propose to use the fractional Laplacian of a properly constructed graph in the $\ell^q$ term to compute extremely accurate reconstructions of the desired images. [1] D. Bianchi, A. Buccini, M. Donatelli, E. Randazzo,
A popular approach to regularization is to substitute the original problem with an optimization problem that minimizes the sum of two terms, an $\ell^2$ term and an $\ell^q$ term with $0
A simple model with a fully plug-and-play method is used to construct the graph and enhanced diffusion on the graph is achieved with the use of a fractional exponent in the Laplacian operator. Since this is a global operator, we propose to replace it with an approximation in an appropriate Krylov subspace.
"Graph Laplacian for image deblurring", Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2021, 55, pp. 169-186.
[2] A. Buccini, M. Donatelli, "Graph Laplacian in $\ell^2-\ell^q$ regularization for image reconstruction", Proceedings - 2021 21st International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2021, 2021, pp. 29-38.
[3] S. Aleotti, A. Buccini, M. Donatelli, "Fraction Graph Laplacian for image reconstruction", in progress.