Astroparticle Colloquia

Astrophysical inferences with gravitational-wave astronomy

by Prof. Berry Christopher (University of Glasgow)

Rectorate/Building-Auditorium (GSSI)





Gravitational waves enable observations of black holes and neutron stars—the end points of massive stellar evolution. These observations can be used to understand the currently uncertain astrophysics of these objects. First, we may extract the properties of individual gravitational-wave sources from the information encoded in the signals. Then, we may combine our set of observations to infer the astrophysical distribution of sources. We will review the latest gravitational-wave discoveries, placing them in context of existing observations. The current catalogue of detections already provides evidence of multiple formation channels, and future observations will enable precision measurements of binary formation.

Organised by

Paolo Agnes, Manuel Arca Sedda, Carmelo Evoli