
Model-independent Cosmology

13 May 2024, 10:40
IFPU (Trieste)

IFPU (Trieste)


Model-independent Cosmology: Theory & Methods

  • There are no conveners in this block

Model-independent Cosmology: Hands-on session

  • There are no conveners in this block

Model-independent Cosmology: Summary

  • Rodrigo Calderón ()

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Vivian Poulin
13/05/2024, 10:40
Cosmological tensions and the nature of Dark Energy
Eric V. Linder
13/05/2024, 11:40
Cosmological tensions and the nature of Dark Energy
13/05/2024, 12:20
Arman Shafieloo
13/05/2024, 15:00
Model-independent methods for cosmological inference
Rodrigo Calderón
13/05/2024, 15:40
Model-independent methods for cosmological inference
13/05/2024, 16:40
Model-independent methods for cosmological inference
Rodrigo Calderón
16/05/2024, 10:00
Building timetable...