Math Courses

Loop representations for classical and quantum spin systems

by Daniel Ueltschi

Prof. Daniel Ueltschi (University of Warwick) 
daniel AT ueltschi DOT org
Course description   
The tentative plan of the class includes:
  1. Classical spin systems. Loop representations of Symanzik, Brydges-Froehlich-Spencer, and further extensions.
  2. Quantum spin systems. Loop representations of Toth, Aizenman-Nachtergaele, and further extensions.
  3. Random partitions, split-merge process, Poisson-Dirichlet distributions.
  4. Conjecture: the joint distribution of loop lengths is Poisson-Dirichlet. 

All lectures will be held at the Main Lecture Hall in Viale Crispi 7 building, according to the following schedule: 

Mon   Apr 8: 9-11 
Tue    Apr 9: 9-11 
Mon  Apr 15: 9 -11 
Tue   Apr 16: 9-11