Math Courses

Probability and Statistical Mechanics. Part 0: basic probability theory and stochastic process

by Lu Xu


We will cover the followping topics. 

1. Preliminary 
basic probability theory, conditional expectation, convergence of random variables, basic measure theory (Lebesgue’s decomposition theorem)

2. Limit theorems 
law of large numbers (weak law and strong law for i.i.d. sequence), central limit theory for i.i.d. case, introduction to large deviations

3. Stochastic process 
basic concepts (sample paths, distribution), Poisson process (definition, generator, law of large numbers, CLT)

If time permits, we will also include topics on Brownian motion and point process.


Course Schedule

     Mon             Tue                Wed              Thu             Fri

 6/11 9-11     7/11 9-11                             9/11 9-11

13/11 9-11   14/11 9-11    15/11 9-11

20/11 9-11   21/11 9-11                           23/11 9-11