AP-INT1: Handbook for the future world

Rectorate/Building-Auditorium (GSSI)



fernando ferroni (GSSI)

The future prospects many challenges for our society. From Climate Change and its relation with Energy Production to the accessibility of Precision Medicine in a world where inequalities are growing. The role of Artificial Intelligence and the issue of Social Media regulations. The growing role of Space Economy. We will address these issues with a series of lectures given by experts that have an important role in defining policies for these context.


The course is organised within the GSSI Astroparticle Physics PhD program (AP-INT-1) but designed and intended to be effectively attended by students (and researchers) from all the Areas, facing interdisciplinary problems and applications.

  • Aleksei Smirnov
  • Ame Cho
  • Anastasiia Shaikina
  • Andrea Parenti
  • Annarita Ierardi
  • Atul Prajapati
  • Benedetta Mestichelli
  • Borys Cieslak
  • Carmen de Souza Marcon
  • David José Gaspar Marques
  • Elena Codazzo
  • Eleonora Loffredo
  • Elisabetta Baracchini
  • Flaminia Di Giambattista
  • Francesco Androni
  • Francesco De Dominicis
  • Jacopo Tissino
  • Leandro Silveri
  • Luca Buzzanca
  • Mateo Fernandez
  • Melba D'Astolfo
  • Michele Morella
  • Nandini Hazra
  • Odunola Oladeji
  • Ottavio Fornieri
  • Pasquale Blasi
  • Pawan Tiwari
  • Riccardo Maria Gesuè
  • Simone Quitadamo
  • Stefano Ghislandi
  • Ulyana Dupletsa
  • +23