NUSES Collaboration Meeting

Rectorate/Building-Auditorium (GSSI)



Ivan De Mitri (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and INFN)
NUSES is a new space mission project promoted by the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) in collaboration with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and Thales Alenia Space Italy (TAS-I), devoted to the exploration of new technologies and observational approaches for experiments in space.

Two payloads, TERZINA and ZIRE', will be operated onboard the NUSES satellite.

TERZINA, a new optical telescope concept for astrophysical neutrinos, combines atmospheric Cherenkov light observation and the use of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs), for the detection of high energy neutrinos and cosmic rays.

ZIRE` , also using SiPM technology, is devoted to flux measurements of cosmic electrons, protons and light nuclei with energies spanning from few to hundreds of MeVs, but also operating as X and gamma ray telescope in the MeV energy range. A Low Energy Module (LEM) is specifically designed to lower the detection threshold for electrons down to hundreds of keV.

ZIRÉ objectives also include the study of space weather phenomena and the hunting for possible correlations of the electron and proton fluxes with seismic activities through magnetosphere-ionosphere-lithosphere coupling (MILC) phenomena.

During this meeting, several groups participating to NUSES activities will discuss the status of the ongoing detector design and related simulation and data analysis strategies.

  • Adriano Di Giovanni
  • Alberto Gola
  • Alberto Griggio
  • Aleksei Smirnov
  • Andrea Abba
  • Andrea Di Salvo
  • Andrea Parenti
  • Andrea Turella
  • Andrii Nagai
  • Angelo Rivetti
  • Antonietta Suma
  • Attanasio Candela
  • Beatrice Panico
  • Corrado Altomare
  • Cristian De Santis
  • Daniele Recchioni
  • Danilo Andreetti
  • David Gascon
  • Davide Serini
  • Dimitrios Kyratzis
  • Elena Moretti
  • Elisabetta Bissaldi
  • Fabio Gargano
  • Fabrizio Renno
  • Fausto Guarino
  • Federigo Micheli
  • Felice del Forno
  • Felicia Barbato
  • Francesca Alemanno
  • Francesca De Paola
  • Francesco Nozzoli
  • Francesco Palma
  • Francesco Salamida
  • Giovanna Ursini
  • Giovanni De Amicis
  • Giovanni Franchi
  • Giulia Zaccari
  • Giuliana Panzarini
  • Giuseppe Osteria
  • Giuseppina D'Amora
  • Hiroko Miyamoto
  • Irene Cagnoli
  • Ivan De Mitri
  • Leandro Silveri
  • Leonarda Lorusso
  • Leonid Burmistrov
  • Libo Wu
  • Lorenzo Perillo
  • Lorenzo Perrone
  • Marco D'Incecco
  • Marco Mese
  • Margherita Di Santo
  • Marianna Rinaldi
  • Mario Bertaina
  • Massimiliano De Deo
  • Mateo Fernandez
  • Matteo Martucci
  • Matthias Laubenstein
  • Nicola D'Ambrosio
  • Nicola Mazziotta
  • Paolo Serri
  • Paolo Zuccon
  • Pietro Antonio Palmieri
  • Raffaele Aaron Giampaolo
  • Riccardo Fratini
  • Riccardo Rando
  • Roberta Pillera
  • Roberta Sparvoli
  • Roberto Aloisio
  • Roberto Battiston
  • Roberto Marri
  • Silvia Tedesco
  • Stefano Francola
  • Teresa Montaruli
  • Tiziano Schillaci
  • Valentina Scotti
  • Valerio Conicella
  • Vincenzo Rizi
  • Viviana Scherini
The agenda of this meeting is empty