Math Courses

Introduction to the statistical theory of fully developed turbulence

by Prof. Angelo Vulpiani (Università La Sapienza)

Ex-ISEF/Building-Room D (GSSI)

Ex-ISEF/Building-Room D


Fully developed turbulence, i.e. the behavior of a fluid at very high Reynolds numbers, presents several unpleasant properties. We have to treat a system with:
* Many degrees of freedom
* Strong nonlinearities
* Non-Hamiltonian character
* Non-equilibrium features
* Non-Gaussian statistics
After a presentation of the difficulties found within a first-principle approach to turbulence and a short account of the main experimental results, I will discuss:
* Richardson and the self similarity
* Kolmogorov and scaling laws
* Anomalous scaling and multifractals
* Prediction of statistical features from the multifractal approach
The time schedule of the course may be found at the following webpage.