Paolo Antonelli, paolo.antonelli@gssi.it,
Sara Daneri, sara.daneri@gssi.it
Timetable and workload
Total number of hours: 60 (30 hours for each part)
Within those hours TA sessions will be organized.
Course description
This course presents the main techniques and tools developed for the study of applied PDEs,by reviewing some results and problems in fluid dynamics and dispersive equations. The first part, focused on the general theory for nonlinear Schrödinger equations, discusses the existence of solutions and their asymptotic behavior or possible formation of singularities. In the second part the focus will be on PDEs such as the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations and in particular on the questions of existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions in different settings. In this way the student will get acquainted with the fundamental tools exploited in this field, such as semi-group theory, fixed point arguments, a-priori estimates and compactness arguments.
Course requirements
Basic knowledge of functional analysis, notions of Lp spaces, measure theory and Fourier spaces.Also the knowledge of Sobolev spaces is strongly advised, eventually to be covered in a parallel series of tutorial lectures.
Course content
The course will be divided in two parts, the first one related to the analysis on nonlinear Schrödinger equations and the second one focused on incompressible fluid dynamics.
Examination and grading
The students will be evaluated on the basis (a) a reading seminar on a research paper related to modern developments of the topics handled during the course and (b) a written exam to assess the skills developed during the course
Books of reference